Waterfall Braids For Short Hair: Easy & Stunning Styles - Hairstylebraids.com

Waterfall Braids For Short Hair: Easy & Stunning Styles - Hairstylebraids.com

| 9/11/2024, 2:53:49 PM

Let loose your inner braid goddess! Learn how to rock stunning waterfall braids even with short hair. Easy tutorials & styles await! #WaterfallBraids #ShortHair

Table of Contents

Ever wished you could try a waterfall braid but thought your hair was too short? Well, get ready to ditch that notion! Waterfall braids, with their cascading strands and delicate beauty, are not just for long hair. In fact, with a few simple tricks and a little bit of practice, you can create a beautiful waterfall braid even if your hair is on the shorter side. At hairstylebraids.com, we're here to guide you through the process, step by step, and show you how easy it can be to achieve this gorgeous style. You'll learn to master the basics of Waterfall braids for short hair, explore some styling tips to make it your own, and get inspired by different variations to experiment with. So, grab your hairbrush, a few elastics, and let's get started on your progression to mastering the art of waterfall braids for short hair!

Waterfall Braids For Short Hair: Easy & Stunning Styles

Waterfall Braids For Short Hair: Easy & Stunning Styles

Waterfall Braids for Short Hair: A Beginner's Guide

What's a Waterfall Braid, Anyway?

Imagine a braid that's like a waterfall, with strands of hair gently falling down like water. That's a waterfall braid! It's a beautiful and romantic hairstyle that looks fancy but can be surprisingly easy to do, even on shorter hair. You might have seen it in a movie or on a friend with long hair, but don't worry, it can be adapted for shorter hair too. Think of it like a flowing river of hair – delicate and graceful. It's a fun way to add a touch of magic to your short hair and make it look a bit more special. If you're still a bit confused about braids in general, you can check out our French braid tutorial to get a better idea of the basics!

Hair Length

Waterfall Braid Suitability

Very Short (Pixie Cut)

Might be tricky, but with creative sectioning, it can work!

Short Bob

Perfect for waterfall braids – you'll have enough hair to play with.


Ideal for waterfall braids – lots of options for variations.

Getting Started: Tools and Prep

Before you get your hair into a waterfall braid, you need to prepare it. Think of it like getting ready for a fun day at the beach. You wouldn't want to go with tangled hair, right? Similarly, for your waterfall braid to look its best, you need to make sure your hair is detangled and ready to go. You can brush your hair or comb it out to remove any knots. A little bit of texturizing spray or even just a bit of hair gel can help your hair hold the braid better, especially if it's a bit slippery. It's like giving your hair a little extra grip. If you have naturally curly hair, you might want to lightly dampen it to make it easier to work with. It's all about getting your hair ready to play nicely with the braid. For a more detailed look at how to prep your hair, you can take a peek at our lemonade braids tutorial for some extra inspiration.

  • Hairbrush or comb
  • Hair elastics (to secure the braid)
  • Texturizing spray or hair gel (optional)
  • Hair clips (to section your hair)

Styling Tips for Waterfall Braids on Short Hair

Making it Your Own

Once you've got the basic waterfall braid down, it's time to get creative! Short hair can be a bit more challenging to braid, so you might need to get a bit inventive. You can try different ways of starting the braid – maybe near your temple or right in the middle of your forehead. You can even try braiding it on the side or making a few smaller waterfall braids instead of one big one. Think of it as a puzzle you're trying to solve – finding the best way to make the braid work with your hair. It's like designing your own unique waterfall – unique to you."Short hair, don't care! Waterfall braids are a fun way to spice up your style."

Adding Accessories

Accessories are your best friend when it comes to waterfall braids on short hair. You can add beads, ribbons, or flowers to your braid to make it look even more special. Think of it as adding a little sparkle to your waterfall. You can also use hair clips or bobby pins to secure any loose strands or to create a different look. Maybe you want to add some glitter or colorful clips – get creative and have fun with it! It's all about making your waterfall braid your own."Let your creativity flow like a river with accessories!"

Achieving the Perfect Waterfall Braid for Short Hair: StepbyStep

Sectioning Your Hair

The first step is to section your hair. You'll want to start with a small section of hair, usually near your temple or the center of your forehead. You can use a hair clip to hold the rest of your hair out of the way. Think of it like separating the water from the rest of the river before it falls over the edge. It's all about taking a small section to start with."Imagine your hair is a river, and you're picking out a small stream to braid."

The Waterfall Braid Technique

Now that you've got your section, it's time to start braiding. You'll want to start with a basic three-strand braid. Take a section of hair from the top of your hair and divide it into three smaller sections. Then cross the right strand over the middle strand and then the left strand over the middle strand. Think of it like weaving a little basket with your hair."It's like weaving a magical hair basket."

Waterfall Braids for Short Hair: Variations and Inspiration

Side Waterfall Braid

Instead of braiding straight down the back of your head, you can try braiding it down the side. You can start at your temple and braid it down towards your ear or even all the way to the back of your head. It's like changing the course of your waterfall – making it flow in a different direction. It's a great way to add a bit of asymmetry to your look."A side waterfall braid adds a touch of whimsy to your style."

Double Waterfall Braids

If you're feeling adventurous, you can try two waterfall braids. You can start one on each side of your head and braid them down towards the back. It's like having two beautiful waterfalls flowing together. It's a great way to add a bit more volume and texture to your hair."Double the waterfalls, double the fun."

Waterfall Braids for Short Hair: A Beginner's Guide

Waterfall Braids for Short Hair: A Beginner's Guide

Styling Tips for Waterfall Braids on Short Hair

Okay, so you've mastered the basic waterfall braid, congrats! Now it's time to make it your own. Think of it like decorating a cake – you've got the basic structure, but now you can add all sorts of fun sprinkles and icing! With short hair, you've gotta get a little creative. You don't have as much hair to work with, so you need to be a bit more strategic. Maybe you want to start your braid near your temple instead of the middle of your forehead. It's like changing the starting point of your waterfall. It can give a completely different look! You can even try doing a side braid, or if you're feeling super fancy, try a few smaller waterfall braids instead of one big one. It's like creating a whole waterfall system! I've found that starting a little closer to my face really helps frame it and make my features pop. It's all about finding what looks best on you and figuring out how to make the braid work with your hair's unique personality.

I've also discovered that different hair textures can influence how a waterfall braid looks. If your hair is naturally straight, it might be a little slippery. A little bit of texturizing spray can help it hold its shape. It's like giving your hair a bit of grip, so it doesn't slip and slide out of the braid. For curly hair, you might want to dampen it a bit before you start to make it easier to manage. And remember, if you're not sure how to incorporate texturizing spray into your routine, you can check out our . It's got some great tips on prepping hair for different braids.

Hair Texture

Waterfall Braid Tips


Use texturizing spray for grip.


Dampen hair slightly before braiding.


Embrace the natural texture for a bohemian vibe.

Another thing I've learned is that you can adjust the tightness of your braid to change the overall look. A tighter braid will give you a more polished look, while a looser braid can create a more relaxed and casual vibe. It's like choosing between a formal garden and a wildflower meadow – you get to choose the style that suits you best. I've found that a slightly looser braid works best for me, it gives it a more natural flow and keeps it from looking too stiff.

And don't be afraid to experiment with different braiding techniques. You can try incorporating a fishtail braid into your waterfall braid, or even add a few twists. It's like adding a little bit of spice to your waterfall. It's a great way to make your hairstyle stand out and express your own personal style. I recently tried incorporating a little fishtail braid into the bottom section of my waterfall braid, and it gave it a really cool, unique look. If you're curious about how to do a fishtail braid, our fishtail braids tutorial can help you out.

  • Start the braid at a different spot (temple, center forehead).
  • Try a side waterfall braid.
  • Experiment with multiple smaller braids.
  • Adjust the tightness of the braid.
  • Incorporate other braiding styles (fishtail, twists).

Styling Tips for Waterfall Braids on Short Hair

Styling Tips for Waterfall Braids on Short Hair

Achieving the Perfect Waterfall Braid for Short Hair: StepbyStep

Okay, let's get into the nitty-gritty of actually braiding your hair. First, you gotta section off a small bit of hair, usually near your temple or the middle of your forehead. It's like picking out a little stream from a bigger river – you're just focusing on a small part for now. You can use a clip to hold the rest of your hair out of the way. It's like tucking away the rest of the river so it doesn't get in the way of your little stream.

Once you've got your little section, it's time to start braiding. Think of it like weaving a tiny hair basket. You'll start with a regular three-strand braid. Take a small piece of hair from the top and split it into three smaller sections. Then you cross the right strand over the middle one, then the left strand over the middle. Keep going, crossing the strands over each other in that pattern. It's a bit like a dance, with your hair strands doing a little crisscross.

Now, here's where the "waterfall" part comes in. After you've done a couple of crosses, you're going to let the bottom strand of your braid fall down. It's like the water cascading over the edge of a waterfall. Then, you pick up a new strand of hair from the section right next to it. This new strand becomes your new bottom strand. Think of it like the river constantly getting new water as it flows.

Keep going with this pattern – crossing the strands, letting the bottom one fall, and picking up a new one. It's a bit like a never-ending cycle, but in a good way. It's like a little magic trick with your hair. You'll follow this pattern down the side of your head, and your braid will start to look like a beautiful cascading waterfall. It's like creating your own little hair waterfall, and it's super cool to watch it happen.

When you get to the end of your chosen path for the waterfall, you can secure it with a small elastic. It's like stopping the waterfall with a little dam. You can also try looping the end of your braid around and pinning it to the rest of your hair. That way, it looks like a little puddle of water at the bottom of the waterfall. It's a fun way to finish off your waterfall braid.


What to Do


Section a small piece of hair.


Start a three-strand braid.


Let the bottom strand fall.


Pick up a new strand.


Repeat steps 3 and 4.


Secure the end of the braid.

You can also check out our waterfall braids tutorial for a visual guide and more detailed instructions. It's like having a helpful friend guide you through the process.

Achieving the Perfect Waterfall Braid for Short Hair: StepbyStep

Achieving the Perfect Waterfall Braid for Short Hair: StepbyStep

Waterfall Braids for Short Hair: Variations and Inspiration

Side Waterfall Braid: A Touch of Asymmetry

I've always loved the way a side waterfall braid can add a little bit of a playful vibe to a look. It's like taking your regular waterfall and giving it a little detour. Instead of flowing straight down the back, it's like you're sending it on a scenic route down the side of your head. You can start it right at your temple and let it flow down towards your ear, or you can even take it all the way back to the nape of your neck. It's like a little winding river, adding a bit of whimsy and a touch of "I'm not afraid to be a little different" to your style. I've tried it a few times with different outfits, and it's really versatile. It can dress up a casual outfit or add a little something extra to a more formal look. If you're looking for a way to add some personality to your hairstyle, a side waterfall braid is a great place to start.

  • Start at your temple.
  • Braid towards your ear or nape of your neck.
  • It's a great way to add a bit of asymmetry.

Double Waterfall Braids: Twice the Fun

Now, if you're feeling extra adventurous, you can try a double waterfall braid. It's like creating a whole waterfall system on your head! I've found it's a great way to add some volume and texture to my hair, especially if it's a bit on the finer side. You can start one on each side of your head and let them flow down towards the back. It's like having two beautiful waterfalls flowing together, creating a cool, unique look. I've even seen some people incorporate small braids or twists into the double waterfall braid, which adds even more interest. It's a great way to make a statement with your hair. If you're looking for a more intricate and interesting braid, this is a great option to try. I've found it can be a little more challenging than a single waterfall braid, but it's totally worth it if you're up for a bit of a hair journey. "Adding a touch of whimsy and magic to your look with waterfall braids is the best way to express yourself."

  • Start one braid on each side of your head.
  • Let them flow towards the back.
  • Try adding twists or braids for extra texture.

Final Thought

Waterfall braids for short hair are a charming and versatile hairstyle that can transform your look in a flash. With a little practice and creativity, you can master this technique and add a touch of magic to your everyday style. Don't be afraid to experiment with different variations and find what works best for you and your hair type. Whether you're going for a casual or a more simple look, the waterfall braid is a great way to express your personal style and make a statement. So, embrace the beauty of this hairstyle and enjoy the compliments that are sure to come your way!