Cornrows Tutorial: Easy Step-by-step Guide -

Cornrows Tutorial: Easy Step-by-step Guide -

| 9/11/2024, 4:29:57 PM

Learn to braid cornrows like a pro! Get step-by-step instructions & tips for beginners. Master parting, braiding, & styling for stunning cornrows. #CornrowsTutorial #Braids

Table of Contents

Hey there, braid enthusiasts! Ever looked at those intricate cornrow styles and thought, "Wow, I wish I could do that?" Well, guess what? You totally can! Cornrows, also known as canerows or individual braids, are a classic protective hairstyle that's both stylish and practical. They're super versatile, and you can rock them in a ton of different ways, from simple and sleek to elaborate and eye-catching. Whether you're a complete beginner or just want to brush up on your braiding skills, this Cornrows tutorial is your ultimate guide to mastering this amazing hairstyle. On, we'll break down the steps, share insider tips, and help you access your inner braiding ninja. So, grab your comb, some hair clips, and let's explore into the world of cornrows! Get ready to impress yourself (and maybe even a few friends) with your newfound braiding expertise.

Cornrows Tutorial: Getting Started with the Basics

Understanding the Basics of Cornrows

Hey there, braiding buddies! Let's start with the basics of cornrows. Imagine your hair is like a field of wheat, ready for harvest. We're going to be braiding it into neat rows, like little rows of crops. Cornrows are a type of braid that lies flat against your scalp, creating a cool, intricate look. They're super popular, and you can find them in tons of different styles, from simple to super fancy. It's like building with your hair! It's super important to have the right tools. Think of them like your braiding buddies, ready to help you along the way. You'll need a rat-tail comb for making neat parts, some hair clips to section off your hair, and some hairspray to keep everything tidy. If you've never done cornrows before, don't worry, it's easier than you think! If you're feeling like you need a little extra help, you could always check out our French braids tutorial for a related braiding technique.| Tool | Description ||------------|----------------------------------------------|| Rat-tail comb | For making perfect parts and sections. || Hair clips | To keep your hair out of the way. || Hairspray | To keep your cornrows in place. |

Prepping Your Hair for the Braid

Before you start braiding, you gotta make sure your hair is ready for the journey! You wouldn't start building a house without a solid foundation, right? It's the same with cornrows. If your hair's tangled, it's going to be a nightmare to braid. So, make sure you detangle it first, and if you have really thick hair, you might want to use a little bit of hair oil or conditioner to make it easier to manage. Make sure your hair is completely dry before you begin, especially if it's prone to frizz. Once your hair is all nice and smooth, you're ready to start sectioning. Sectioning your hair is like preparing a garden before you plant your seeds. You want to make sure you have neat, clean sections so that your cornrows look even and tidy. If you're having trouble with this, maybe you could take a look at our lemonade braids tutorial which has some great tips on sectioning.> "The best hairstyles are the ones that make you feel confident and beautiful." - Someone wise

Cornrows Tutorial: Mastering the Parting and Sectioning Techniques

Alright, now that your hair's all prepped and ready to go, it's time to get into the nitty-gritty of cornrows: parting and sectioning. Think of it like drawing a map on your scalp before you start braiding. You're creating the pathways for your cornrows to follow. It's like building a garden with neat rows for your plants, except instead of plants, you've got hair!

First things first, grab that rat-tail comb – it's your best friend for creating those super precise parts. Start by making a part down the middle of your head, from your forehead to the nape of your neck. It's like drawing a line down the center of a piece of paper, but on your head. Now, divide each side into more sections. How many sections you make depends on how many cornrows you want and how thick or thin you want them. If you want a whole bunch of tiny cornrows, make more sections. If you want fewer, wider cornrows, make fewer sections. It's completely up to you!

Number of Sections

Cornrow Size

More sections

Smaller cornrows

Fewer sections

Wider cornrows

Once you've made your parts, use the clips to hold each section in place. You don't want those sections getting mixed up while you're working on other parts of your head! It's like putting fences around each section of your garden so that the plants don't get all tangled up. If you find it tricky to keep sections neat, you might want to check out our for some extra sectioning tips.

When parting your hair, make sure the lines are straight and even. You don't want your cornrows looking wonky. If you're not sure if your sections are straight, you can always ask a friend to help you out. A second set of eyes can be really helpful! You can also use a mirror to help you see what you're doing. If you're finding it hard to get your parts straight, you might want to try practicing on a doll or a friend first. Just make sure they're okay with it!

> "The secret to a great cornrow style is all about clean, precise sections." - A Braiding Guru

Before you examine into the braiding, take a good look at your sections and make sure you're happy with them. It's like double-checking your garden plan before you start planting. If you're not happy with a section, you can always fix it before you start braiding. It's much easier to fix it now than after you've already started braiding.

So, there you have it – the magic of parting and sectioning. It's all about creating a roadmap for your cornrows. It's a little bit like planning a road trip – you wouldn't just jump in the car and start driving without knowing where you're going, would you? With a little practice, you'll be able to create perfectly straight and even sections in no time. Now, let's get braiding!

  • Part your hair in the middle, from your forehead to the nape of your neck.
  • Divide each side into more sections based on how many cornrows you want.
  • Use clips to hold each section in place.
  • Make sure the parts are straight and even.
  • Check your sections before you start braiding.

Cornrows Tutorial: Braiding Techniques and Tips for Beginners

Now that you've mastered the art of parting and sectioning, it's time to get down to the business of braiding! The braiding part of cornrows is a bit like weaving a blend – you're taking strands of hair and carefully interlacing them to create a beautiful pattern. It's a bit like magic, really. You'll be amazed by what you can create with just a little bit of practice.

The key to braiding cornrows is to keep the braid close to your scalp. It's like hugging your scalp with the braid. You want to make sure that each strand of hair is neatly tucked into the braid. If you don't keep it close, the braid will look a bit messy. It's like trying to build a tower with blocks that aren't stacked properly – it's not going to stand up very well. You can find some awesome video tutorials on YouTube that can help you get a better visual of the braiding process.




Take a small section of hair from the part.


Divide the section into three smaller strands.


Cross the right strand over the middle strand.


Cross the left strand over the middle strand.


Continue crossing strands over the middle strand, picking up new hair as you go.

As you braid, you'll need to pick up new hair from the section to add to the braid. It's like adding more bricks to your tower as you build it higher. Make sure you pick up the hair evenly so that your braid looks neat and tidy. If you don't pick up the hair evenly, your braid might look a bit lopsided, like a tower that's leaning to one side.

You'll also want to make sure that the braid is tight. If it's too loose, it'll figure out easily. It's like trying to tie a shoelace that's too long – it's not going to stay tied very well. If you're finding it difficult to keep the braid tight, you might want to try using a little bit of hair gel or mousse. It can help to keep the hair in place.

> "Practice makes perfect when it comes to braiding. Don't give up if it doesn't look perfect the first time." - A Braiding Enthusiast

When you reach the end of the section, secure the braid with a small elastic band. It's like putting a capstone on your tower to keep it from falling over. You don't want your braid to understand after all that hard work. If you don't have an elastic band, you can always use a bobby pin or a hair clip to hold the braid in place. You could even try using a small piece of thread or string if you're feeling really creative.

Once you've finished the first cornrow, move on to the next section. Just keep following the same steps – part, braid, and secure. It's like building a whole row of towers, one after the other. Keep going until you've braided all the sections of your hair. You might find it helpful to check out our for some extra braiding tips.

  • Keep the braid close to your scalp.
  • Pick up new hair evenly as you braid.
  • Keep the braid tight.
  • Secure the end of the braid with an elastic band or bobby pin.
  • Repeat the steps for each section of hair.

Cornrows Tutorial: Styling and Maintaining Your Cornrows

Congratulations! You've successfully created your first cornrows. But wait, there's more! Now it's time to style and maintain those beautiful braids. It's like giving your garden a little TLC to make sure it stays healthy and vibrant.

One of the coolest things about cornrows is that they can be styled in tons of different ways. You can leave them as they are, or you can get creative and add beads, ribbons, or other accessories. It's like decorating your garden with beautiful flowers and ornaments. If you're looking for some inspiration, you can check out some amazing cornrow styles on .




Add beads, ribbons, or other accessories to your cornrows.


Tie your cornrows into a ponytail or bun.

Half-up, half-down

Tie the top half of your cornrows into a ponytail or bun.

Braided ponytail

Tie your cornrows into a ponytail and braid the ponytail.

If you want to keep your cornrows looking fresh, you'll need to wash them regularly. It's like watering your garden to keep the plants healthy. You can use a gentle shampoo and conditioner that's designed for braided hair. It'll help to keep your scalp clean and your hair moisturized. You can also try using a leave-in conditioner to keep your hair from getting too dry.

You'll also want to make sure that your scalp is clean and healthy. It's like fertilizing your garden to help the plants grow. If you have an itchy or irritated scalp, you can try using a scalp oil or a medicated shampoo. You can also try massaging your scalp with your fingertips to stimulate blood flow and promote healthy hair growth.

> "Taking care of your cornrows is just as important as creating them. Keep your scalp and hair healthy for the best results." - A Hair Care Pro

If you're finding it difficult to maintain your cornrows, you can always ask a hairstylist for help. They're the experts when it comes to cornrows and other braided hairstyles. They can give you tips on how to keep your cornrows looking their best, and they can also help you with any problems you might be having, like an itchy scalp or a braid that's come undone.

So, there you have it – a guide to styling and maintaining your cornrows. With a little bit of care and attention, you can keep your cornrows looking fresh and fabulous for weeks. You can also explore different styles and experiment with different looks. Don't be afraid to get creative! You can also check out our Ghana braids tutorial for a different braided hairstyle that's super stylish.

  • Style your cornrows with beads, ribbons, or other accessories.
  • Wash your cornrows regularly with a gentle shampoo and conditioner.
  • Keep your scalp clean and healthy.
  • Ask a hairstylist for help if you need it.
  • Experiment with different cornrow styles.

Cornrows Tutorial: Braiding Techniques and Tips for Beginners

Getting Started with the Braid

Okay, so you've got your hair all prepped and sectioned, like a perfectly organized garden ready for planting. Now, it's time to grab a small section of hair from one of your parts. It's like picking out the first seed for your row. Divide that section into three smaller strands, just like you'd separate the leaves of a clover. Now, here's where the fun starts! Cross the right strand over the middle strand, and then cross the left strand over the new middle strand. Keep repeating this crossing pattern, like weaving a beautiful blend with your hair. It might feel a little clumsy at first, but trust me, with a bit of practice, you'll be braiding like a pro. If you're still a bit lost, you can always check out our for a little extra help! It's like having a braiding buddy by your side.> "The process of a thousand miles begins with a single step, or in this case, a single braid." - A Wise Braider

Adding New Hair to the Braid

As you continue braiding, you'll need to start incorporating more hair into the braid. This is where it gets interesting! Think of it like adding more threads to your mix, making it richer and more complex. Grab a tiny bit of hair from the section you're working on and add it to the right strand before you cross it over the middle. Then, do the same with the left strand. Keep repeating this process, adding a little bit of hair to each strand as you go. It's like carefully planting more seeds in your garden row, making sure they're spaced out evenly. Make sure you're picking up the hair evenly on both sides so your braid stays nice and straight. If you don't, it might look like a wonky fence. You can always check out some to see exactly how it's done.| Step | Description ||---|---|| 1 | Take a small section of hair from the part. || 2 | Divide the section into three strands. || 3 | Cross the right strand over the middle strand. || 4 | Cross the left strand over the middle strand. || 5 | Repeat steps 3 and 4, adding hair as you go. |

Cornrows Tutorial: Styling and Maintaining Your Cornrows

Woohoo! You've got your awesome cornrows, and now it's time to show them off and keep them looking fresh. Think of it like taking care of a super cool garden you've created – you want to make sure it stays vibrant and healthy, right? One of the best things about cornrows is how versatile they are. You can leave them just as they are, like a simple yet stunning flower garden, or get crazy and add all sorts of fun things like beads, ribbons, or even sparkly clips. It's like decorating your garden with colorful flowers and unique ornaments! If you're looking for some inspiration, you can check out some awesome cornrow styles on – they've got some seriously creative ideas. You can also check out our for some other cool braided styles.




Add beads, ribbons, or other accessories to your cornrows.


Tie your cornrows into a ponytail or bun.

Half-up, half-down

Tie the top half of your cornrows into a ponytail or bun.

Braided ponytail

Tie your cornrows into a ponytail and braid the ponytail.

Keeping your cornrows looking fresh and fabulous is like watering your garden. You gotta wash them regularly! Use a gentle shampoo and conditioner that's made for braided hair. It'll keep your scalp happy and your hair moisturized. Think of it like giving your plants the right kind of nutrients. You can also try a leave-in conditioner to keep your hair from getting super dry and brittle. Imagine it as a special moisturizing spray for your hair garden. If you're not sure which products to use, you can always ask a hairstylist for some advice – they're like the expert gardeners of the hair world!

Your scalp needs some love too! It's like the soil in your garden – you want it to be healthy and happy. If you've got an itchy or irritated scalp, you can try using a special scalp oil or a medicated shampoo. You can also give your scalp a little massage with your fingertips to boost blood flow and help your hair grow strong and healthy. It's like gently loosening up the soil in your garden so that the plants can thrive.

> "Taking care of your cornrows is just as important as creating them. Keep your scalp and hair healthy for the best results." - A Hair Care Pro

Sometimes, even with the best care, your cornrows might need a little extra help. If you're struggling with keeping them looking great, or if you've got a braid that's come undone, don't hesitate to ask a hairstylist for help. They're the braiding pros, and they can give you all sorts of tips and tricks to keep your cornrows looking amazing. They can also help you with any issues you might be having, like a super itchy scalp or a braid that's just not cooperating. Think of them as your hair garden's emergency responders!

So, there you have it – the lowdown on styling and maintaining your awesome cornrows. With a little care and attention, you can keep them looking fresh and fab for weeks, maybe even months! Don't be afraid to get creative and experiment with different styles. You can also check out our halo braids tutorial for a different braided hairstyle that's super stylish.

  • Style your cornrows with beads, ribbons, or other accessories.
  • Wash your cornrows regularly with a gentle shampoo and conditioner.
  • Keep your scalp clean and healthy.
  • Ask a hairstylist for help if you need it.
  • Experiment with different cornrow styles.

Final Thought

So there you have it – a comprehensive cornrows tutorial to help you achieve the look you've always wanted. Mastering cornrows takes time and practice, but with patience and the right techniques, you can create beautiful and intricate styles. Remember to have fun and experiment with different looks. Don't be afraid to try new things and let your creativity flow. With a little effort and a lot of enthusiasm, you'll be braiding like a pro in no time! Happy braiding!